Saturday, April 18, 2009

Alotta Crocs

Seems like most people either love Crocs or hate them with a passion. I am with the first group. I have had a pair of Crocs Hydros for 4 years now, have literally walked all over the country, gone to convention, etc., & they still basically look & feel like they did when I first purchased them.

Lately I've been trying to find a replacement for them & getting a bit anxious about it since Crocs has now discontinued the Hydros--the style I prefer. Hydros look more like a shoe--they cover the ankle & are really light, so light they float in water. I found a couple of pairs (not in my size) & one pair on eBay listed for $70. Since I only paid $49 for them brand new, I passed on that offer.

Now, I often say that I'm the luckiest person I know. Here's another example:

Randy & I were at Myrtle Beach a couple of weeks ago. I shopped all day & looked everywhere I could think of trying to find a pair of Hydros, to no avail. At the end of the day Randy decided to wash his truck. I told him to drop me off across the street at the Tanger Outlet mall & I would meet him back out front in half an hour.

About 4 or 5 stores in I spotted a Crocs store. What? I didn't even know there was such a thing! I went in & found out that I was there on their opening day & everything was 70c- 90% off. Yep, it was Crocs nirvana for me.

I walked out of the store with (gulp) 8 pairs for me & 1 for my aunt. What did it cost you ask?

In case you're wondering, that's an average of $7.05 per pair! Pretty good huh? Randy was mortified--he is in the latter group of course.

And yes, I did find a pair of Hydros.

Check it out:


  1. This is the funniest thing. Ever. I'm undecided about crocs. The husband has them and likes them. I just never jumped on the Crocs bandwagon.

    However, I did see the store you're speaking of. I LOVE the Tanger outlets! I just dropped a lot of money down there last week and came out with so many great clothes! Congrats on your great finds!

  2. Which outlet store did you find them? The Tanger on 501 or on Hwy 17? Neither center shows a Crocs store in the directory.

  3. Good question. I know it was in between Myrtle Beach & North Myrtle Beach but I can't remember which Hwy. I did ask Randy but he doesn't remember either. Sorry!
