Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriphobia.

The Stress Management Center & Phobia Institute in Asheville estimates that up to 21 million people in the US are afraid of this day & might even lay out of work or even stay in bed due to their fear. Hmmm, I didnt realize phobias could have such cool fringe benefits.

Tom used to have a phobia of macaroni & cheese. No joke, it would freak him out. He should have been phobic about telling me, knowing that I blog!

Personally, I am afraid of trying to pronounce paraskavedekatriphobia...


  1. Does Tom still have a phobia of mac-and-cheese? And what about mac-and-cheese freaks him out the most?? That's pretty weird......

  2. You have to take into account that Tom is just weird anyway. That in itself explains a lot.......LOL

  3. He says he had a bad experience with it as a child...
