Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Lack of Television

People often ask why I don't watch TV. The answer is simple--I don't have time. For the first 10 years or so of my marriage I worked two jobs. Then when I gave one of them up to take a salaried job my work schedule became so erratic that I was never home enough get used to any show.

After playing music, opening up my own business took care of any free time I had left over. I don't have a rule about TV, I have just conditioned myself to not watch it much.

I found that I don't really miss it at all. My books are always there, no matter what time of day it is.

All that being said, I have been watching "Gone Country" with George Clinton in it for the last 3 weeks (a record for me). That guy is one of my all-time favorite musicians & I have had a blast watching him. As for the rest of the show, meh, it's ok. But George...there's a true star!

Check it out on CMT at 8pm on Saturdays.

Quote from last week: "the only thing I drive is a spaceship!"


One of these things is not like the other...

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