Friday, January 2, 2009

Hello world!

Hello world! is the traditional first program line that many people use when learning a programming language for the first time or can be a "sanity" test to make sure that a program's language compiler is installed & working correctly.

I believe it's been around since the 1970's, introducing people to a new way of thinking, expressing themselves, & the like to something new.

I think it's appropriate that my first post here carries that title.

This blog is being created primarily as a way to prepare for an Internet Marketing/Business Blogging class that will (hopefull) take place in the spring of '09. The only goal I've set for it is to try to post regularly. Let me know if there's a widget or subject you would like to see here. Thanks!


  1. I have lots of widgets I want to add (or have added) to my blog. Don't want it to become too overwhelming, though. The FeedJit traffic feed is so. much. fun. That's at least a great start :)

    Welcome to blogger! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

  2. Yeah, I get the feeling that the widgets are more for me than anybody else...I love the technology though.
