Saturday, January 24, 2009

Television I Might Actually Watch

I usually don't watch television unless I just happen to have it on when I'm working at my computer. Even then it's most likely to be the news or something along those lines.

Yesterday Merle told me that there was a show called "Gone Country" on a country music channel, correction, the country music channel. She said that it's a bunch of folks put in a house a la' MTV style (can't remember the name of that show either). I have no idea what the plot is, or if there is one at all. It's television, it doesn't have to have a point...

They're going to have a new episode & George Clinton is going to be on it. Yep, the original funky dude himself, holed up with a bunch of other folks who I could care less about. Finally, TV worth watching! I just found out that it comes on at 8pm. Now if I can just figure out which channel CMT is on I'll have it made. Hang on George, I'll be there! Don't call me tonight.

I love that guy.

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